
Showing posts from December, 2008

महाराष्ट्र की भक्ति परंपरा में विठ्ठल

महाराष्ट्र की भक्ति परंपरा में विठ्ठल - लीना मेहेंदळे, भा.प्र.से. भक्ति व श्रध्दा मनुष्य जीवन में बडे सशक्त संबल का काम करते हैं| समाज को संभालने, चलाने और संपुष्ट करने में जिन सामूहिक या सांघिक गुणों का बडा उपयोग रहा है, भक्ति उनमे प्रमुख है | प्रेम, भक्ति, मैत्री, करुणा आदि कई छटाएँ हैं जो मनुष्य के निजी और सामाजिक जीवन को एक अलग ही रंग में रंग देते हैं | किसीने भगवान से पूछा कि तुम कहाँ रहते हो, तो उत्तर मिला - भक्तों के हृदय में रहता हूँ | उससे कहा - सिद्ब कर दिखाओ | तो भगवान ने हनुमान जी को प्रेरणा दी और हनुमान ने अपना हृदय चीर कर दिखा दिया कि वहाँ राम थे | महाभारत के समर प्रसंग में अर्जुन को विश्र्वरुप दिखाने के बाद भगवान ने कहा - इस तरह से मेरे रुप को देख पाना उनके लिये नही है जो केवल ज्ञानी हैं या तपस्वी हैं या दान पुण्य करने वाले हैं | तुम मेरे अनन्य भक्त हो, इसी अनन्य भक्ति के कारण मुझे तुम देख सकते हो | किंवदंती है कि महाराष्ट्र के पंढरपुर गांव में पुण्डलीक नामक एक युवक रहता था | वृध्द माँ-बाप बिमार हो गए अतएव उनकी सेवा कर रहा था और विपन्न अवस्था से चल रहा था | तो कृ...

सोन्याच्या शस्राशी लढतांना

सोन्याच्या शस्राशी लढतांना To read my article in Loksatta click here. This links gives a politicians view point

Biodiesel, an emerging renewable source

Conservation of fossil fuels : Biodiesel, an emerging renewable source. -------- Leena Mehendale Principle Secretary, GAD, Maharashtra Twentieth Century saw an extensive use of fossil fuels all over the world, the innovations of hundreds and thousands of different uses for petroleum & natural gas has led to a significant increase in the need for fossil fuel in the world. A growing number of scientific researchers and political leaders have urged prompt conservation of fossil fuels by investing immediately in energy-efficient vehicles, machinery, and structures and by gradually shifting to alternative sources of energy. The reason most commonly given in support of fossil fuel conservation is that “Petroleum Resources are finite” and “the need to prevent future global climate change”. Most of these arguments say, “fossil fuels provide about 95 percent of the commercial energy used in the world economy”..... “Combustion of those fuels constitutes the largest source of emissions of cli...

Energy Security and Efficiency : Role of Bio-Gas.

Energy Security and Efficiency : Role of Bio-Gas. ----Leena Mehendale The question of energy security has become a major important agenda of the Government. With far higher cry for rural power, and high fluctuations in the international crude prices, the search for alternative fuels has become more urgent. A real boost to the solution for energy security however, lies in efficiency, rather than in higher supply. This aspect struck me greatly when recently I had a chance to look at the Integrated Energy Policy - a document prepared some two years back by Planning Commission of India. Let us look at some of the numbers mentioned therein. Our annual consumption of energy is nearly 450 Million Tonnes of Oil Equivalent (Mtoe). Out of this 110 Mtoe, that is, nearly one fourth, comes from non-commercial resources and only 340 Mtoe is commercial, in the form of electric power, Petroleum and Coal. The non-commercial sources are wood, biomass a...

female feticide and illiteracy an All India Mapping

To be born and to be educated are the most fundamental rights of anyone.The fast declining rate of female to male sex ratio as has been brought to the fore in the latest census of 2001 has created a wide- spread alarm among the government circles, the voluntary sector and academicians all over the country. There is no doubt that this kind of decline is not natural but is a result of rampant sex detection tests and female feoticide. Click here to Read More